Nashidine III...for friends

بسم الله والسلام على رسول الله

Satu lagi lagu dari Ahmed Bukhatir, tajuknya Ya Akhi.

Aku transliterasikan terus dari teks arabnya. Malas aku nak taip huruf2 arab...leceh...huhu.

Begitu menyentuh hati dan meruntun jiwa, erti seorang sahabat, nilai sebuah persahabatan...ambillah iktibar dari seni kalimah2nya, dan dengarkanlah alunan nasyidnya...sama2 kita menjadi sahabat yang baik kepada sahabat kita...
Jika ada salah dalam transliterasi atau maknanya, sudikanlah menegur..aku hanya insan yang lemah.

Ahmed Bukhatir - Ya Akhi

Ya akhi...
Idnu minni la tada'ni ya akhi
Ya syaqiqa 'r-ruuhi minni ya akhi
Ya dhiyaa qalbi wa darbi ya akhi
Ya akhi...ya akhi...

Oh My Brother!
Come closer to me, don’t leave me, my brother
Oh you who are a part my soul with, my brother
Oh the light of my heart and my way, my brother
Oh my brother, Oh my brother…

Ad-duna hauli zhalamun haalikun
Fa-anir darbi wa baddid zhulmati
Nuuruka...O nuuruka fajrun Thaali'un
Minhu absortu Thariiqa 'l-jannati

The world around me, is in darkness and corruption
So put light in my path and change my darkness
With your light, ah your light is a dawn rising
From it I see the vision of a path that leads to Al-Jannah

Ya akhi...
Anta ba'da 'llah man ufdhi lahu
Ma biqalbi min asan au law'ati
Fi kiila 'l-haalain alqaaka ma'i
Haadhiran fi wuhsyati au farhati

Oh My brother…
After Allah, to you I share my sadness
I have nothing bad in my heart against you
In all times, I see you with me
Present you are with me in my sadness and happiness

Kullu man hauli saraabun khaadi'un
Yad'i hubbi wasidqa mawaddati
In sofa 'eisyi famaa aktsaruhum
'Ajaban aina hum fi syiddati

All those around me are like a mirage, a mirage that deceives…
That claims it loves me, and is true kindness
If my life is at ease, there's many of them around me
Such a surprise (Ajaban), where are they in my times of hardship?

Ya akhi...
Anta la ghairuka min duuni 'l-waraa
Mukhlisu 'lli ya akhi fi suhbati
Lasta tarju min widaadi ghaayatan
Rifqatun fi 'llahi ni'ma 'l-rifqati

Oh my brother!
You is the one who is truly faithful
You are so loyal to me in friendship
You don’t treat me with kindness only for a want to fulfill
Friendship in the sake of Allah, the best of friendship there is

Wajhuka 'l-wadhaa-u alfaitu bih
kulla ma'nan lil'ulaa wa 'l-rif'ati
mudda li yumnaaka kai namdhi ma'an
fi thariiqi 'l-nuuri darbi 'l-'izzati

With your face that lights, you treat me with kindness
With all the meaning of the highness and elevation
Reach out to me your right hand
So we could go together in the path of light
In the path of 'izzah

In dahatni fi hayaati kurbatun
Kunta li 'aunan yujalli kurbati
Au 'araani 'l-dha'fu yauman ji'-tani
Ta'tali dha'fi wa tadzki himmati

If in my life, a misery afflicts me
You were there to help me get over my misery
Tired, Weakened I was the day you came to me
You cared for me, saw my weakness and gave me strength

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