My head is spinning - wildly.

بسم الله والسلام على رسول الله

This is my view regarding: nothing....

I consider today as one of my bad day.

1. When I wake up yesterday, someone told me that my motorcycle's tyre has got no air. What???!!! I just changed the tube the day before!!!

So today, my mind is planning on how exactly i'm going to walk my motor to a workshop.

Alhamdulillah the problem's solved. I called a pomen, a chinese one, to change the tube, again.

The previous change-of-tube is done in a Malay workshop. So, you're probably can 'smell' how bad the work they done. And yet with the phrase 'tolong melayu'. Pfffttt.

Hey, I'm not trying to be a racist here. Just pointing out reality.

2. My modem broke down today. Now I have to figure out how to fix it.

And, both of my case above is related to lending things to people. You know, sometimes people just can't appreciate orang lain punya barang. They use it, I don't know, like taram habis-habisan, and when they returned it, it already malfunctioned. God knows where my things have been in their possession.

At the end, I'm the one who have to spend to repair all those things, and when it's in good condition, they borrow it again, without any slightest thought in their mind betapa peningnya aku memikirkan macam mana nak bayar itu dan ini. And as a bonus, final exam. Thanks to these combination, my head is spinning like a gasing this evening.

Sigh. That's the price of a FRIENDSHIP. well, gth with that.

2 komen:

miroo said...

macam kutuk aku je...
pedas gler....

Muslim4Life said...

tkde kutuk sape2 pn...tapi sapa makan aiskrim, dialah yang rasa sejuknya...